Success Etiquettes

Tuesday, October 22 2019, Contributed By: NJ Publications

Whether we know it or not, we are in a state of constant tension between our natural instincts and pressure to follow social norms. We often do not follow our natural instinct in the way we talk, posture, behave and respond to situations. What we do is what we have practiced or habituated or acted in conformance to what is 'acceptable' to others around us. Isn't it?

In a global & competitive world, etiquettes have assumed a very important place in our lives. It is essential that today, everyone of us does not these etiquettes so as not to risk being isolated or out of place. In this piece, we explore the etiquettes necessary for us as professionals to follow in our lives...

What is Etiquette?
Before we start exploring the etiquettes desired, let us understand what etiquettes really are. Google defines is as “the customary code of polite behaviour and good manners in society or among members of a particular profession or group”. Etiquettes can be seen as general customs or culture defined guidelines on the way an individual should behave in society.

Why etiquettes are important?
First impression is the last impression. We have often heard of this. Well there are this & other reasons as well why etiquettes are important for us...

  • Creates a positive, everlasting impression
  • Helps us do justice to our role, position & seniority
  • Helps us improve our personality & stand-out from others
  • Giving others respect and being considerate
  • Makes others comfortable & helps avoid distractions
  • Improves our social /people engagement skills
  • Builds self confidence & self esteem

Etiquettes become increasingly very essential as we mature and grow in our personal and professional lives. A strong foundation of etiquettes helps us face more demanding situations with confidence and poise. Having proper etiquettes does not mean that one is old fashioned but it conveys a message that you are respectful of others, irrespective of their background. A lot can be conveyed about us by our etiquettes and people often also judge us on it's basis.

Important Etiquettes to follow:
It is now time to talk about the essential etiquettes we must follow in our professional lives. These intangible gestures and behaviour has the power to shape our relationships and professional lives drastically. As aspirational professionals, we should all seek to adopt these important etiquettes in our work life to taste bigger and quicker success in our endeavours.

Basic Social Etiquettes:

  1. Do not interrupt anyone during conversations
  2. Be focused, maintain eye contact in conversations
  3. Speak in soft but clearly audible voice
  4. Use proper, respectful language
  5. Respect and give personal space to others
  6. Give proper handshake and smile genuinely
  7. Give & receive compliments graciously

Social Media Etiquettes

  1. Never post anything absurd or irrelevant to your subject on professional accounts
  2. Avoid put-downs, negative remarks of anyone
  3. Be economical in sharing information about yourself /family
  4. Avoid sharing business and client details
  5. Do not go overboard with self-promotion
  6. Respond in time with proper reply to posts and comments /complaints
  7. Follow the etiquettes /guidelines of the forums you are on

Professional Etiquettes

  1. Be on right time for scheduled events
  2. Look and dress appropriately to match place & events
  3. Avoid texting or using mobiles during conversations /meetings
  4. Readily accept and apologise for your mistakes
  5. Keep your work place clean and organised
  6. Refuse gossiping about others with anyone
  7. Never take credit of others
  8. Praise and complement good work happily
  9. Avoid smelly food in office cabin /desk
  10. Do not get carried away in parties and avoid any excessive behaviour
  11. Do not enter into arguments when other person in angry
  12. Do not touch personal belongings
  13. Do not use /share personal login info of others
  14. Keep correspondence brief and to the point
  15. Maintain proper professional image in office while decorating
  16. While socialising, do not do anything that you don't want to be talked in office
  17. Make guests feel welcome and comfortable in office
  18. Always prepare in advance for meetings
  19. Keep proper record of discussions /meeting minutes
  20. Do not send messages /posts /emails to clients at odd times /holidays

Etiquettes, in general is understanding how your actions will affect others and accepting the responsibility and the control of yourself in order to influence that impact on others. When we extend etiquettes, a large part of it appears more like ethics where we deal with what is right and wrong in profession, and society in general.

Manners or etiquettes can be learned easily by us. But beyond that, we have to practice it often so that they become a part of our subconscious behaviour and our personality. And when that happens, we will be more than welcome by any client and by any group. To use the popular catch phrase from a TV advert – things will become “bade aaram se” for you. That is the power of etiquettes.

Time for a genuine smile and strong handshake with etiquettes!

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